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Data Centers
Hyperscale | Colocation | Managed |
Enterprise | Cloud-Based

Situation Today

Industry trends for data centers continue to favor larger unmanned facilities with automated processes in place—allowing for minimal human interaction. Preventative secured entry solutions keep unmanned facilities secure while limiting human involvement.

Forecasts predict that by the year 2025 more than 50% of all data centers will be colocation facilities with diverse client portfolios. As floor plans for data centers expand to accommodate growing demand, industry trends are favoring unmanned autonomous facilities that prioritize security. While security cameras and alarm systems are effective at detecting unauthorized visitors, unmanned data centers require preventive secured entry solutions to stop breaches before they occur. Preventive secured entry solutions, like integrated security revolving doors, are specifically designed with prevention in mind. Much like the facilities they serve, security revolving doors operate without the need for dedicated staff, relying on a combination of sturdy construction and intelligent sensor technology.

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