Alvarado crowd control products reduce shoplifting at Dallas, Texas grocery chain. The chain’s Loss Prevention Officer was impressed with how the Alvarado equipment allowed patrons to easily enter the store but, once inside, how the products effectively kept patrons from exiting without first passing through a checkstand.
Alvarado Crowd Control Products Reduce Shoplifting at Dallas, Texas Grocery Chain

Shoplifting is a major problem for retailers. Stores apprehended over 1.1 million shoplifters in 2015 and statistics show they are caught an average of only 1 in 48 times they steal. Estimates of yearly losses due to shoplifting are approximately 1.75% of gross sales. To protect profits, grocery retailers require creative, low cost, loss prevention programs to reduce theft and protect profits.
For an international grocery chain in Dallas, shoplifting was becoming a major issue. Some shoplifters were concealing items, but a large percentage of thefts were simply instances of thieves wheeling a loaded shopping cart out of the store without paying. Guards were hired, but because there were multiple entrances to the stores, thieves would simply exit through an unmonitored opening. Profits were declining, and staff and customer safety was jeopardized, as thieves recklessly bolted through the stores with loaded shopping carts. The company’s loss prevention department needed a cost-effective solution that would mitigate theft and provide a safer environment for patrons and employees.
The chain’s Loss Prevention Officer (LPO) saw Alvarado’s turnstiles, pedestrian gates and modular post and railing used at another grocer. The LPO was impressed with how the Alvarado equipment allowed patrons to easily enter the store but, once inside, how the products effectively kept patrons from exiting without first passing through a checkstand.
To learn more, the LPO contacted Dale Staton, Senior Sales Manager for Alvarado’s retail division. Dale discussed the LPO’s concerns, reviewed store drawings and provided a product layout that allowed patrons and shopping carts to enter, but channeled traffic inside the store through checkstands to exit. Any customer attempting to circumvent exiting through a checkstand was required to physically open a gate and push their cart through.
The chain installed the products in one store and a decrease in theft was immediately noticeable. Thereafter the chain installed similar Alvarado products in 11 additional locations.
“The Alvarado system forced thieves with full carts to manually open a gate, creating an obvious scene. The Alvarado system has changed the dynamics of how visitors enter and exit without our customers even realizing it. We no longer have people running through the stores and we have eliminated the Guards stationed at the entry and exit points. Store employees have noticed several full carts left at the gate, because thieves realized there was no easy way out. After experiencing a positive outcome, we chose to install Alvarado’s post and rail system in 11 more locations. The installation process was smooth and timely. [The products] require little to no maintenance and blend in so well with the décor of our store,”
Loss Prevention Officer for Grocery Chain
“Alvarado products are a great, low-cost way to reduce theft. We have many product options and our products are modular, which allows us to tailor a solution for individual clients and stores”, said Staton.